Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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33 19 .—La Force et la Lumiére Company (Faure’s Accumulator), 446, Strand, W.C. The Faure Electric Accumulator, or Secondary Battery, illustrating the storage of electro-dynamic energy and its applications to domestic lighting; as also a motive power, and other uses hitherto unattainable by the direct currents. West Corridor. 20 .—Dr. J. H. Gladstone & Mb. A. Tribe, 17, Pembridge Square, London. Air Battery. The positive element of this galvanic arrangement is sheet-copper; the negative, sheet-silver and crystals of the same metal; the liquid, a solution of copper nitrate. By the intervention of the oxygen of the air, suboxide of copper forms on the silver, and the ordinary voltaic phenomena result. South Nave. 21 .—Johnson & Phillips, 16, Union Court, London, E.C.; and Charlton, S.E. Higgins' Patent Battery; Menotti Battery; Carbon Battery-plates; Trophy of Patent Insulators. (See Advt. p. 121.) South Nave and Southern Gallery. 22___.__J. P. Knight, London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway, London Bridge Terminus. Sulphate Batteries (Fuller’s improve- ment) ; Bichi’omate of Potash Batteries (Fuller's improvement); Leclanché Battei’ies. North Nave. 23 .—Armand Levy, 252, Goswell Road, London. Batteries of all descriptions: Leclanché, Grenets, Bunsen, Daniell, Bi- chromate, Sodium, &c.; Carbons of all descriptions, all shapes cut and moulded; Glass Jars, all forms and shapes; Zinc in the rod or ready-made; Terminals; Binding Screws; Clamps; Manganese; Salts, &c. &c. Eastern Gallery. 24 .—The London Electric Light Agency, Broadway Chambers. Broadway, Westminster. (1) New Economical and Constant Battery, patented by Messrs. J. & A. J. Higgin, Manchester. The action of this Battery produces substances having a con- siderable commercial value, as distinguished from those resulting from the batteries hitherto in use. Samples of various products are shown, and the economic use of the system thereby demon- strated. (2) An Accumulator for the storage of force. Gallery at back of Concert-Room. 25 .—Patent Plumbago Crucible Company, Battersea Works, S.W. Porous Battery Cells, red and white, both round and flat, for electrical and other purposes; Morganas Patent Crucibles for melting metals by Dr. Siemens' process; Plumbago for sealing incandescent lamps, electrotyping, &c. Eastern Gallery. 26 .—E. Paterson, 77, Little Britain. Leclanché and Manga- nese Batteries; Bichromate and other Batteries for laboratory- purposes Exploder or Battery for firing mines; &c. &c. (See Advt. p. 119.) South Nave and Southern Gallery..