Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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Side af 120 Forrige Næste
35 33 .—British Electric Light Company, Limited, Heddon Street, Regent Street. Gramme Machines. (See A pvt, p. 141.) Ground Floor. 35 .—Compagnie G-Énérale d’ElecteicitÉ (Jablochkoff’s), 139, Carmon Street (Mr. Gaudet). Gramme Machines. Ground Floor and South Nave. 36 .—R. E. Crompton, Mansion House Buildings^ London. 1 Burgin Patent Dynamo-Electric Machine to drive 3 lights ; and 3 Burgin Patent Dynamo-Electric Machines to drive 4 lights each. (See Advt. p. 144.) West Corridor. 37 .—Messes. R. E. Crompton & Co., Mansion House Buildings, London, carry out the lighting of the Transept as follows: 3 Burgin Machines of the improved form, (which received a gold medal at the Paris Exhibition) supply the current to 6 Crompton Arc Lamps, approxi- mately of 3,000 candles each,-and one large central lamp of 6,000 candles. For these lamps also they received a gold medal at Paris. Messrs. R. E. Crompton & Co. are prepared to guarantee the economy of their system so far, that, with 1 of their engines driving their own machinery, a light equal to that of these 7 lamps can be produced with a consumption of fuel equal to 40 lb. of Welsh coal per hour. (See Advt. p. 144.) West Corridor. 38 .—Electric Light & Power Generator Company, Limited. Offices, 47, Cannon Street, E.C.; Works, 29, Bankside, S.E. 2 Weston Dynamo Machines; 1 large Maxim Distributor; 1 Maxim Regulator; 1 Maxim Searcher Light Dynamo; 1 Lontin Generator; 1 Lontin Exciter; 1 new (Rapieff) Machine. By this Company’s system several machines are driven from one engine. (See Advt. p. 4 of Wrapper.) North Fnd of Ground Floor. 39 .—Electric Light Engineering Company, 35, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Dynamo-Electric Machine combined with. Portable Steam-engine. Siemens and Gramme Dynamo-Electric Machines. Ground Floor. 40 .—The Electric Lighting Supply Company, 25, Queen Anne’s Gate, Westminster. Franklin Dynamo Machine for 3 lights, each, of 3,000 candle-power, 4| horse-power; driven by an Otto gas-engine by means of Hedges' patent belt-frictional gear with strap-tightening apparatus. Corridor. 41 .—W. Elmore, 91, Blackfriars Road, S.E. The Elmore Dynamo-Electric Machine, in use for the double purposes of electro-plating and electro-gilding. (See Advt. pp. 110 & 111.) Avenue between Pompeian House and Chinese Court. 42 .—A. L. Fyfe, 9 & 10, Maidenhead Court, Aldersgate Street, E.C. Engine and Dynamo Machines. Ground Floor.