Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82
År: 1882
Sider: 102
UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189
Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.
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43 .—The Hammond Electric Light & Power Supply Company,
Limited (Holders of the Patent Rights of the Brush System for
the Northern Counties of England, and for Sussex and Hampshire,
and General Agents of the Brush Company), 110, Cannon Street,
London; 36, Dale Street, Liverpool; Wharncliffe Chambers,
Sheffield ; Post Office Buildings, Middlesborough. Brush Dynamo-
Electric Machines. This exhibit is presented to the public at a
spot halfway between the entrance to the Palace and the Low
Level Station, a spot in the garden having been, specially roofed
in. (See Advt., p. 137.)
Railway Corridor leading to Low Level Station.
44 .—Geo. Hawkes & Co., 9, Victoria Chambers, Westminster.
Several Dynamo-Electric Machines. Messrs. Geo. Hawkes & Co.
are using machines of various designs, which may be seen attached
to Hodson s Rotary Engines in the Machinery Department. (See
Advt. p. 118.) West Corridor.
45 .—W. T. Henley (W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Com-
pany), 8, Draper’s Gardens, Throgmorton Street, E.C. Dynamo
Machines; Magneto Machine for exploding mines, in actual use
38 years, and still retaining its power; Small Magneto-Power
Engine, exhibited by Mr. Henley at the London Institution in
1838; Magneto Machine for electric induction, exhibited at the
Great Exhibition of 1851, by W. Henley.
West Corridor and North Nave.
46 .—E. 8.. Hindley, Bourton, Dorset. Steam-Engine and
Dynamo combined, on wheels. West Corridor.
47 . N. Ladd & Co., 11 and 12, Beak Street, Regent Street.
Ladd’s Dynamo Machine. Invented March, 1867. The first
machine with two armatures; one being employed to excite the
electro-magnet, the other to produce electric light, heat, &c.
Ladd's Magneto Machine—the first machine with, circular magnets
1866. North Nave.
48 .—The National Electric Light Company, Limited, Glasgow.
Patent Dynamo Machines for generating, collecting, and^dis-
tributmg electric currents; Sprague's Dynamo-Electric Machines;
Experimental Machines in which the rotating armature falls, and
is enclosed by the field magnets, and receives from them/con-
tinuous magnetic influence, while the whole of their wires being
parallel, their mutual influence is added to that of the iron.
North Nave.
48a.—Thomas Penn, Grove House, Lewisham. Magnetic
Engine, to illustrate the power of Magnets.
West Corridor, with the Turner Gas Engine Company.
49 .—Rowatt & Fyfe, 52,QueenVictoria Street, E.C. Schuckert
Dynamo, &c. &c. West Corridor