Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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Side af 120 Forrige Næste
 37 50 .—Alfred B. Sennett, C.E., Worthing, Sussex. The Original Machine made by Dr. Antonio Pacinotti in 1860, and described in “Il Nuovo Cimento” in 1864; another, constructed in 1873; another, made in 1875; another, with, additional armature for exciting field magnets, for use when the resistance of the external circuit is considerable; Electro-Magnet, Magnetic Rings, and semi-circular Permanent Magnets to explain the action of these machines. North Nave. 51 .—Siemens Brothers & Co., 12, Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster. 1 Siemens' Dynamo Machine D2, upright, in operation; 1 Siemens’ Dynamo Machine S D8, in operation; 1 Siemens’ Alternate Current Machine W2 in operation; 1 Siemens’ D2 Dynamo Machine, upright; 1 Siemens' D? Dynamo Machine, upright; 1 Siemens' D6 Dynamo Machine, upright; 1 Siemens’ Ds Dynamo Machine, upright; 1 Siemens" S D5 Dynamo Machine, upright; 1 Siemens'’ large Dynamo Electric Quantity Exploder; 1 Siemens' small Dynamo-Electric Quantity Exploder; 1 Siemens’ Magneto-Electric Quantity Exploder, with. 9 magnets; 1 Siemens’ Magneto-Electric Quantity Exploder, with 6 magnets; 1 Siemens’ Magneto-Electric Quantity Exploder, with 6 magnets, cheaper form. 1 Siemens" large Dynamo-Electric Tension Exploder; 1 Siemens' small Dynamo-Electric Tension Exploder; 1 Siemens’ Magneto-Electric Tension Exploder, with. 9 magnets; 1 Siemens' Magneto-Electric Tension Exploder, with. 6 magnets; 1 Siemens’ Magneto-Electric Tension Exploder, with 6 magnets, cheaper form ; 9 Battery Cells of various patterns and sizes; 3 Battery Boxes. West Corridor. 52 .—S. C. Tisley & Co., 172, Brompton Road, Model Electro- Magnetic and Dynamic Machines. Eastern Gallery. ________S. Alfred Varley & Co., Hatfield, Herts. Dynamo- Electric Machines, including the original machine provisionally protected in 1866, in which the “ action and reaction” principle (discovered by S. Alfred Varley), which, forms the basis of electrical transmission of power and the economical production o£ electricity for light and other purposes, was first introduced. Ground Floor. 54 __Zanni & Co., 47, Hatton Garden, E.C. Zanni’s Magneto- Electric and Dymano-Electric Machines. (Agent, Mr. F. Bertram.) TFesi Corridor. Class IV.—Cables, Wires, Conductors, and Allied Apparatus. §5 ._Her Majesty's Government (Postal Telegraph. Depart- ment).' (See p. 11 et seq.) North Nave. 55 a. Her Majesty’s Government (War Office). (See p. 26 et seq.) North Nave’