Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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38 56 .—Anglo-American Telegraph Company, Limited. (1) Map showing the Company's Submarine Telegraph Lines between Great Britain, France, Canada, and the United States of America also the Connscting’ Lines tliroug'lion.t th.6 world j (2) Spocimeiis of the Company's Cables laid. {See Advt. p. 126.) Western Gallery. 57 .—W. Beanham, 31, London Street, Paddington. A case containing Specimens and showing Sections of the British Indian Submarine Telegraph Company’s Cables, 1870; also, a small portion of the first Submarine Cable laid between England and America. Gallery at back of Concert Room. 58 .—Britannia Rubber & Kamptulicon Company, 32, Cannon Street, E.C. Submarine Cables; Indiarubber-covered Copper Wire for telegraphic and military purposes; Vulcanite Telephone Cases; Tubings Rods, Sheets, &c. Eastern Gallery. L- Clark, Muirhead & Co., 23, Regency Street, West- minster. Field s Patent Nigrite Cor© and Covered. AVires for Cables j Copper Wires insulated with, gutta-percha, silk., cotton, and tape; Braided Wires for telephones; Electric Light L.eads; Copper Rope Lightning Protectors; Muirhead's Patent Metallic- covered Wire to eliminate induction. {See Advt. p. 131.) Between Sheffield Court and Chinese Court. ™r.60'~PT- oCeampton & Co., 251, High Holborn. Covered Wires, &c. &c. Southern Gallery. c °' CuTTING & Co’> 147, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Solid Copper Tape Lightning Conductors in continuous lengths, with Cutting’s patent coupling, and Colson's inductive eartlAed^ as appiovecl by the Secretary o£ the Meteorological Society. {See Advt. p. 138.) Eastern Gallery. 62 .—J. Davis & Co., Tyrrel Street, Bradford, Yorkshire. Model Chimney, with the following Lightning Conductors fixed ’ Top rod and points, with copper tape conductor fixed with clips • top rod and points, with copper rope and patent connector, fitted with clips or glass insulators to prevent the oxide of copper marking stonework of good buildings. Western Gallery. 63 .—J. Davis & Son, 118, Newgate Street, E.C. Lightning- Conductors. Concert-Room Gallery. Direct United States Cable Company, Limited, Old Broad Street, E.C. Sundry Apparatus, same as is used ±or working the Transatlantic Telegraph Cables and Land Line connections of this Company; several pieces of Cable picked up m repairing operations; Chart showing the system of the Company between London and New York. {See Advt. p. 125.) Southern Gallery.