Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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42 84.—Phosphor Bronze Company, 87, Sumner Street. Phos- phor Bronze Wire for Telephones and Land Telegraphs ; Springs and Rods for electric purposes; Bearings and other Wearing Parts of Machinery used for electric lighting, &c. Eastern Gallery. 85.—Dr. David S. Price, Technological Museum, Crystal Palace. Specimens of Cooke and Wheatstone's first Telegraph laid between. Camden Town and Euston; the first Submarine Cable laid between Calais and Dover; tlie first Atlantic Cable, &o. &c.; Various Samples of Submarine Cables by different makers; and a series of five large Maps showing the leading submarine tele- graphic communications in the world. Technological Museum. 8 5a—Ramsden, Camm, & Co., Brig-house, Yorkshire. Wires for Telegraphs and Telephones. Concert Room Gallery. 86 .—W. Reddall, 10, South. Street, Finsbury. The Patent Box Street Curb, for the conveyance of electric wires through the streets of cities and towns and elsewhere. Its proposed position as a curb to the footways pi’ovides for the ready insertion, inspection, or removal of any length of wires, the effectual covering of same; and communication with every house ; at a cost a little beyond that of the ordinary granite curb. Eastern Gallery. 87 .—The Rustless and General Iron Company, 3, Queen Street Place, Cannon Street, E.C. Wrought-iron Tubes, Insula- tors, Cast-iron Pipes, Wire, &c. (See Spencer, next page.) Eastern Gallery. 88 .—Sanderson & Co., 44, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. Sanderson & Co.’s Solid Copper-tape Lightning’ Conductors in continuous lengths without joints, of high, conductivity, as sup- plied to Her Majesty's and other Governments, and now being fitted to the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, and exported to all parts of the world. Prices from Is. per foot, all complete for fixing. Invented by the Exhibitors. Prize medals. Brussels and Philadelphia International Exhibitions^ 1876. Samples of Sanderson & Co?s Points or Terminals for above, showing method of fixing. Eastern Gallery. 89 .—School or Submarine Telegraphy, Telephony, and Electric Light, 12, Princes Street, Hanover Square (removed from 4, George Street, Hanover Square). Long Artificial Cables,, with Mirror Galvanometers and Siphon Recorder for demon- strating the retardation of signals on. long submarine cables,, such as England to India and Australia; and, secondly, in sections comprising the following: (1) England to Gibraltar; (2) Gibraltar-—Malta; (3) Malta—Alexandria; (4) Suez—Aden; (5) Aden—Bombay; (6) Madras—Singapore; (7) Singapore— Java; and (8) Java—Australia. Apparatus used for translation on land lines and cables. (See Advt., p. 3 of Wrapper.) North Nave.