Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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43 90 .—Siemens Brothers & Co., 12, Queen Amie’s Gate, Westminster. 1 Siemens’ No. 10 Iron Tubular Telegraph Pole, with 4 stretching insulators; 1 Siemens’ No. 5 Iron Tabular Telegraph. Pole, with, buckled plate and 4 intermediate insulators; 1 Siemens’ No. 105 Iron Tubular Telegraph Pole, with Le Grand and Sutcliffes patent base pile; 1 Siemens’ No. 110 Iron Tabular Telegraph Pole, with Le Grand and Sutcliff’s patent base pile; 2 Rammers for driving piles; 1 Short Wooden Pole, with 17 insulators of various patterns; 1 Short Wooden Pole, with. 22 insulators of various patterns ; 1 Short Wrought Iron Pole, with 11 insulators of various patterns; 1 Short Wrought Iron Pole, with 10 insulators of various patterns; 1 small box, with samples of Siemens’ Compound Wire; 4 Small Coils of Siemens’ Com- pound Wire; 3 Insulators for electric light leading wire; Samples of Leading Wire for electric light use; Samples of UndergTound Cable for electric light use; Specimens illustrating manufacture of Gutta-percha and Gutta-percha Core; Specimens illustrating manufacture of India-rubber and India-rubber Core; Cases containing specimens of Submarine, Subterranean, Military, and Torpedo Cables; Platino Brazilian. Cable, 1873; Direct United States Cable, 1874; French. Atlantic Cable, 1879; new American Atlantic Cables. (See also Class VI.) South Nave. 91 .—F. Smith & Co., Caledonia Works, Halifax. Galvanised Telegraph and Telephone Wire with Samples, showing tests applied under the Post Office specifications. Eastern Gallery. 92 .—James E. & Samuel Spencer (Rustless and General Iron Company), 3, Queen Street Place, Cannon Street, E,C. Works, West Bromwich, Staffordshire. All kinds of Black Galvanised Enamelled and Anti-corrode (coated by Barff’s rustless process) Wrought Iron Tubes and Fittings; Cast Iron Pipes, plain and coated by Dr. Angus Smith's Solution; Telegraph Wire, Insula- tors, and the various accessories of telegraph, telephone, and electric light companies. Eastern Gallery. 93 .—Submarine Telegraph Company, 2, Throgmorton Avenue, E.C. (1) Specimens of Cables laid down and worked by the Submarine Telegraph. Company between Great Britain and the Continent of Europe. (2) Specimens of Cables injured by ships’ anchors, fishing trawls, and chemical action of soil at bottom of the sea upon the iron wires, which have been picked up after a submersion of many years. (3) Specimen of the Experimental Submarine Wire (the first ever laid in the world) between Dover and Cape Grisnez in August, 1850, under the superintendence of c 2