Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82
År: 1882
Sider: 102
UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189
Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.
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96,—g. Vyle, 22, Borough. Road, Middlesboi’ough. Vyle’s
Patent (easily-tested) Lightning Conductor. This lightning con-
ductor carries an insulated testing-wire up the interior of the
copper rope, serving for the conductor, both being connected
together at the top and bottom. About 4 ft. from the ground
the testing-wire is brought out, divided, and attached to the
top and bottom, terminating in a tiny test-box, through which
the cable passes. A third terminal has connection with, an earth-
plate some distance from the plate attached to the conductor. In
its normal condition the first and second terminals are strapped
across, so that the testing-wire then becomes part of the
conductor. Gallery at bach of Concert-Itoo'in.
97 .—Zanni & Co., 47, Holborn Viaduct, E.C. (Agent, Mr. F.
Bertram.) Wires, Insulators, &c. West Corridor.
Class V.—Apparatus for Measuring Electricity.
98 .—Her Majesty’s Government (Postal Telegraph. Depart-
ment). (/See p. 11 et seqf) North have.
99 .—A. Apps, 433, Strand. Portable Set of Resistance Coils
attached, to bridge or balance, in cabinet complete. Post Office
Pattern Set of Resistance Coils; Shunt for use with Sir W.
Thompson's Galvanometer. North Nave.
100 .—Blakey, Emmott, & Co., Northern Telegraph Works,
Halifax. Thompson's Reflecting Galvanometer; Graduated
Wire Bridge, with'low resistance galvanometer, got up espe-
cially for the use of wire manufacturers in testing the percentage
conductivity of their wires. Western Gallery and North Nave.
101—Clark, Muirhead, & Co.,20, Regency Street,Westminster.
Sir William Thomson’s Reflecting Astatic Galvanometer, with
ebonite coil frames, to prevent cross-leakage between the wires;
Sir William Thomson's Astatic Reflecting Galvanometer on tripod
stand; Schwendler’s Tangent Galvanometer, as used by the
Indian Government; Latimer Clark’s Patent Double Shunt,
Differential Galvanometer and Set of Resistance Coils ; Set of
Resistance Coils, with, bridge and three pairs proportional coils ;
Set of Resistance Coils, rectangular pattern, arranged, in units,
tens, hundreds, and thousands, with bridge of four pairs of pro-
portional coils; British Association Units, 1, 10, 100, 1000 Oliuis;
Set of Resistance Coils, Post Office pattern with, bridge, battery
key, and galvanometer key; Jacobi's Rheostat; Muirhead’s