Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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46 Improved Form of Thomson and Varley's Slide Resistance Coils, registered design; Lambert’s Discharging Key; Battery Reversing Key; Simple Contact Key; Plug Keys, various; Short’s Circuiting Key; Hopkinson's Key, useful for Thomson’s method of comparing capacities; Graham's Bridge Key; Battery Re- versing Key on ebonite pillars; Clark’s Standard Cell Electro- motive force 1'457 Volts; Standard Condensor | Microfarad; Standard Condenser | Microfarad; Standard Condenser 1 Micro- farad; Standard Condenser 1 Microfarad subdivided, ‘1 "2 ‘3 '4, = 1 Microfarad; 20 Microfarad Condenser; 5 Microfarad Con- denser, subdivided, ‘2 *1 "1 '4 '2 *2 '1 *04 -03 ’02 '01 = 5 Microfarad. (See Advt., p. 131.) Between Sheffield and Chinese Courts. 102 .—T. Crampton & Co., 251, High Holborn, W.C. Galvano- meters; Resistance Coils, &c. Southern Gallery. 103 .—The Electric Lighting Supply Company, 25, Queen. Anne's Gate, Westminster, S.W. Electric Light Indicator and Current Meter. The Indicator shows if a light on any particular current becomes accidentally extinguished., and draws attention by striking a bell. Andrews'’ Patent Meter registers at a glance the amount o£ current in Amperes. West Corridor. 104 .—J. W. Gray & Soy, 58, Fenchurch Street. Galvano- meters for testing lightning conductors and buildings. Eastern Gallery. 105 .—Johnson & Phillips, 16, Union Court, London, E.C.; and Charlton, S.E. Resistance Box—Vyle’s patent system of testing lightning conductors. (See Advt., p. 127.) South Nave and Southern Gallery. 106 .—ElectricalTrading Co.,9, VictoriaChambers, Westminster. C. Vernon Boys’ Patent Meters, comprising: (1) Patent Engine Power Meter; (2) Patent Integrating Dynamometer for shafting ; (3) Patent Integrating Dynamometer for belting; (4) Patent Electric Current Meter, No. 1; (5) Patent Electric Current Meter, No. 2; (6) Patent Electric Current Meter, No. 3; (7) Patent Electric Energy Meter. South Nave. 107 .—F. Murray Rogers, 21, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. Galvanometers. Southern Gallery. 108 .—The National Electric Light Company, Limited, Glas- gow. Sprague^s Patent Amperemeter for measui’iug and recording