Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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47 electrical work applicable to electro-plating, to show the work done or doing in a vat; will call attention or cut off the current when any desired quantity of work is done. For lighting or machines acts as the ordinary meter does for gas. Sprague's Patent Galvanometer, showing current in Weber’s from 10' to •0005, and resistance in ohms from "01 to 1000. North Nave. 109 .—E. Paterson, 76, Little Britain. Ayrton and Perry’s Am. Meter, a portable electric light current galvanometer, measures directly in amperes the strongest electric light currents. Ayrton and Perry’s Volt Meter; Ayrton and Perry’s Arc Horse- power Measurer; Ayrton and Perry’s Ohm Meter; Ayrton and Perry’s Dispersion Photometer; Ayrton and Perry’s Dynamometer Coupling; Galvanometei’S of various descriptions. (See Advt., p. 119.) South Nave and Southern Gallery. 110 .—Sanderson & Co., 44, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. Galvanometers. Eastern Gallery. 111 .—School of Submarine Telegraphy, Telephony, and Electric Light, 12, Princes Street, Hanover Square (removed from 4, George Street, Hanover Square). Mirror Galvanometers and Siphon Recorder, for demonstrating the retardation of signals on the long submarine cables. (See same Exhibitor in Class IV.) (See Advt., page 3 of Wrapper.) North Nave. 113.—Siemens Brothers & Co., 12, Queen Anne-’s Gate, West- minster. 1 Dial-pattern Testing Bridge; 1 Portable Testing Bridge ; 1 Set of Testing Apparatus on ebonite pillars; 1 Thom- son’s Reflecting Galvanometer; 1 Portable Folding Lamp and Scale-stand for same; 1 Jacobas Transparent Lamp and Scale- stand for same; 1 Siemens’Universal Galvanometer; 1 O^achs* Galvanometer, for measuring powerful currents ; 1 Siemens’ Electro Dynamometer, for measuring powerful cux-rents ; 1 Siemens’ Electro Dynamometer, for measm-ing small currents; 1 Duplex Condenser, from | to 2 Microfarad capacity; 1 Condenser of 0’37 Microfarad capacity; 1 Siemens’ Electrical Pyrometer, complete; 1 Box of Comparison Resistance Coils, 10,000 Ohms; 1 Box of Branch Resistance Coils, from 2 to 1^000 Ohms; 1 Carbon Resistance Frame, 3 units; 1 Hoop-iron Resistance Frame, 0’1 to 1 unit. Firing Keys; Test Battery and Gal- vanometer combined, B.N. pattern; Clark’s Double-shunt Gal- vanometer; 3-Coil Galvanometer, as supplied to War Office;