Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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50 arising, and makes contact with a screw, which can be adjusted to any required degree of heat in excess of the normal temperature. A small 1’esistance-coil in each room enables the locality of the fire to be ascertained, on a commutator placed at the point to which, the alarm is to be communicated, and the disturbance of the electric balance at the same time, rings one or more alarm- bells, as in the street fire alai’m apparatus already described. Direct Acting Sounder for telegraph purposes : this telegraph instrument can be worked without any relay, by means of ten Leclanche cells, through 10,000 B.A. units of resistance ; Com- bined Needle Instrument and Sounder—in this apparatus the move- ments of the indicating needle, so largely used for railway purposes in England, are supplemented by distinct sounds. North Nave. 123.—L. Clark, Muirhead, & Co., Regency Street, Westminster, S.W. Single-needle Dial Instrument, with drop-handle and Spagnoletti's dial; Single-needle Dial Instrument, with Highton’ keys and Spagnoletti’s dial; Spagnolettr’s Induced Coils for single-needle instrument; Varley’s Induced Coils for single-needle instrument; Morse Ink-recording Instrument, or Direct Ink- writer, for terminal or intermediate station correspondence ; Post Office Standard-pattern Relay; Pocket Relay in ebonite case; Quadruples Relay, Muirhead and Winter’s patent; Henley's Soft Iron Relay; Pony Sounder, Post Office pattern ; Sounder, Post Office pattern, with, galvanoscope ; Pocket Sounder, with, key and switch, complete; Sir William Thomson's Speaking Galvanometer, with Judd’s soft iron core adjustment; Lamp, Scale, and Stand for speaking galvanometer; Winter’s Block Instrument, with plunger, switch, and two indicating-dials and bell complete in one instrument; Winter and Craik’s Interlocking Semaphore, used in connection with above; Electrical Alarum- Bell, with clockwork arrangement for calling attention at stations; Belgian Pattern Lightning Protector; Indian Pattern Lightning Protector; Maye’s Pattern Lightning Protector; Post Office Pattern Lightning Protector; Siemens’Pattern Lightning Pro- tector ; Saunders’ Pattern Lightning Protector, for cables; Jamieson? s Pattern Lightning Protector, for cables ; Eggington’s Pattern Lightning Protector; for cables ; Smith's Double Switch, for through working on submarine cables; Plug Switches, various; Saunders' Translation. Switch ; Single-current Trans- mitting Key; Highton's Double-current Key; Saunders’ Improved Signalling Key, for submarine cables ; Muirhead's Patent Induc- tive Resistance, for use in Muirhead’s system of duplex tele- graphy ; | Unit Rheostat, for use with above; High-resistance Rheostat, for use with above ; Subdivided Condenser, for use with Muirhead’s system of duplex telegraphy; Sounder, designed for use with MuirheacPs and Winter’s quadruples relay; Pole Changers. {See Ndw., p. 131.) Between Sheffield Court and Chinese Court.