Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82
År: 1882
Sider: 102
UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189
Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.
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124 .—British & Irish Telephone & Electric Works Company,
20, Regent Street, S.W., and 28, Queen Street, Cheapside, E.c’
Improved Railway Signalling Apparatus; Radcliffe’s* Improved
Railway Locking-Gear; Bright's Improved System of Fire-
Alarming, Electric, and other Signals. North Nave.
125 .—F. W. Pope Cox, Bedford Chambers, Plymouth. Magneto
Call Bells, to ring 200 miles (no battery required); Magneto
Call Bells to ring 20 miles ; Various Electric Bells; Switch Bells;
Bell Pushes, &c. (See Advt., p. 132.) Eastern Gallery.
126 .—R. C. Cutting & Co., 147, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.
Electric Bells and Indicators for domestic and other purposes;
Burglar Alarms ; Colliery Signals. (See Advt., p. 138.)
Eastern Gallery.
127 .—H. J. Dale, 4, Little Britian. Electric House Bells. (See
Advt., p. 123.) Eastern Gallery.
128 .—J. Davis & Co., Tyrrel Street, Bradford, Yorkshire.
Electric Bells, with indicator, press buttons, and door pulls;
Electric Bell, with speaking tubes ; Single Stroke Bell, Burglar
Alarm, Fire Alarm, &c.. Western Gallery.
129 .—Doulton & Co., Lambeth. Stoneware Caps for Telegraph
P°sts- Eastern Gallery.
ISO—Eastern Telegraph Company, 66, Old Broad Street. Tele-
graph and Instruments. 1. Maps showing Telegraph Systems of
Eastern, Eastern Extension, Eastern and South. African, and Black
Sea Telegraph. Companies. 2. Tables showing various sections,
mileage, &c., of above, tonnage of ships, &c. 3. Specimens of
Cables iscovsigcI. 4. Jiilscti icaJ. _A.ppcira/tu.s for submarin© telsg’rcipliy
as follows: (a) Sir William Thomson's Siphon Recorder; (&) Brown
and Allan and otlisr RolaySj showing retardation in submarine
cables by means o£ an artificial line ; (c) Keys, Switches, and Com-
mutators ; (d) Telephone Signal Apparatus, for intercommunica-
tion. between several persons on one line. 5. Marine Borin æ
Worm. 6. Sea Adders, taken off cable during repairs. Z
Soundings at various depths of the sea, shown through micro-
scopes. Eastern Gallery and South Nave.
131.—The Electric Railway Signal Company, Stone Cross
Mansfield, Notts. King's Patent Electric Bailway Signal. In
this automatic system (King’s Patent, No. 2,308) signal posts are
placed along a line of railway, and a train passing the first puts
the signal, by mechanical means, at danger, simultaneously sig-