Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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72 240 .—L. Clark, Muirhead, & Co., 23, Regency Street, West- minster. Chloride of Silver Medical Battery, with, fittings. (See Advt., p. 131.) Between Sheffield Court and Chinese Court. 241 .—Coxeter & Sons, 23 and 24<, Grafton Street, East, Tottenham Coui’t Road, London, W.C. Medical Batteries. First class award, International Medical Congress, 1881. Only medal awarded specially for medical electricity, ^Exposition de FElectricité, Paris, 1881. Western Gallery. 242 .—Messrs. Darlow & Co., 443, Strand, W.C. Appliances consisting of small Portable Flexible Magnets, made up into Belts, Chest Protectors, Lung Pi’otectors,Knee Caps, Wristlets, and various other articles for applying to different parts of the body for the cure and alleviation of disease; the magnets being doubly protected from oxidation and rust, by being first covered with a bronze varnish, and then insulated between two layers of india- rubber cloth. Also Magneto-Electric Machines for medical pur- poses. For further particulars see advertisement and descriptive pamphlet, post free. (See Advt., p. 112.) Western Gallery. 243 .—Joseph Davis & Co., Fitzroy Works, Kennington Pai’k Road. Magneto-Electric Machines for medical purposes. Eastern Gallery. 244 .—F. H. Fearns. (Agent, M. Marx, Crystal Palace.) Fearn's Improved Magneto Machines, for the use of nervous diseases of all kinds. Eastern Gallery. 245 .—B. Copson Garratt, 16, Finsbury Square. Magneto- Electric Appliances showing the latest and most approved method of healing by means of aura or currents discharged, from magnets, enclosed in various garments, and applied to the nerve centres and vital organs simultaneously, to produce more freedom of action between nerve centres and nerve extremities. The exhibitor claims that lie has solved the problem of the adaptability of magnetic treatment to intricate cases by introducing compound magnets of superior power in different positions, according to the require- ments of the patient, the extreme lightness and. flexibility of his special Magnets enabling* him to concentrate a high, degree of Magnetic powei’ at any desired point, without discomfort or objectionable weight. It is also claimed that Magnets prepared by his special process permanently maintain their therapeutic virtue. For particulars of Mr. Garratt’s method of treatment see his published essays :—“ Magnetism and Electricity : their Cura- tive Properties explained;33 “ The True Philosophy of Health, and Healing;33 “ Mental and Physical Maladies;33 {< Worry : its Dangers and Remedy;33 “ Nervous Exhaustion and Physical Prostration : their Cause and Cure/' &c., to be obtained of the author at his consulting rooms, 16, Finsbury Square, London, E.C., or at the Exhibition. (See Advt., p. 138.) Western Gallery.