Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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73 246 .—J. H. Martin, 272, Regent Circus. Belts, Lung Invigorators, and other appliances for all parts o£ the body, all all of which, have encased within them the most perfect medical magnets for conserving and promoting that vital power upon, which, the healthy action of all the vital functions depends; also acting as an external agent of great value for soothing and invigorating the nervous and general systems. This exhibitor aims from a humanitarian point of view to make the most comfortable, natural, efficient, and economical appliance possible, believing that if health is valuable to the wealthy it is doubly so to the poor. A pamphlet containing fullest particulars sent gratis to all parts on application to the Inventor and Maker, 272, Regent Street, London, W. It may be stated also that these appliances are well known all over the world, and that they bid fair to become the universal favourite. Western Gallery, 247 .—J. F. Pratt, 43 (late 420), Oxford Street. Electro- Medical Batteries, Reophores, Conductors, &c.: Dr. Stohrer’s new 10-cell constant Current Battery; Dr. Stohrer’s 30-celL Battery, as used at St. Bartholomew's Hospital; Dr. Stohrer’s 20-cell Battery, as used at St. Bartholomew's Hospital; Dr. Stohrer’s 20-cell Hospital Battery, as used at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Dr. Stohrer’s 2-cell Induction Battery, as used at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Dr. Stohrer’s 1-cell Induction Battery, as used at St. Bartholomew's Hospital; Dr. Stohrer’s Actual Cautery, with 4 large cells; Pratt’s small 20-cell Battery, constant current; Pratt’s 30-cell Battery, constant current; Duchennes large Coil Machine; Magneto Batteries, of various sizes ; Magneto Batteries, with dial for regulating the amount or force of shock; Electro-Magnetic Battery, as used at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital; Electric Bell for invalids ; Duchennes Pedal Rheostat; Metallic Rheophores, with, disks and cups ; Metallic Brushes; Double Rheophore, for spine; Six-cup Rheophore, for spine; Mothral Vaginal Rectum Reo- phoresj Dr. M. Mackenzie’s Laryngeal Rheophore; Mr. Lennox Browne's Laryngeal Rheophore ; Serre fine Conductors and Needles, for electrolysis; Dr. Russell Reynolds’s Cup Rheo- phores; Dr. Tibbett’s extra large Rheophores; Olivery Rlieo- phores, covered; Conical Rheoplioi’es, covered; Ladies’ Belt, fitted with small battery, to apply a constant current to the abdomen, &c. Western Gallery. 248 .—Messes. J.L. Pulvermacher & Co., 194, Regent Street, W. Medical Batteries for the profession and patients. Auto-Electric Band Batteries; Hydro-Electric Bands; Pocket Batteries with, articulated elements ; Chain Batteries; Interrupter; Electrolytic Dosometer for delicate measuring of the current; Voltameter, single and double ; Electrodes of all sorts. Western Gallery. 249 .—W. Rogers, M.R.C.V.S., 115, New Road, Whitechapel Road, London. A Portable Spring Electric Battery, always charged. It is only necessary to press down the spring to create instantly a powerful or slight shock as may be required. (See Advt. p. 123 ) Eastern Gallery. D