Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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78 coil, with two iron, flat sides; (m) End of coil, with, two iron flat sides ; (n) End of coil, with, three iron flat sides ; (o) End of coil, with four iron flat sides, (1) Natural Magnet, “The Lodestone n —John Faulkner, Manchester; (2) Artificial Magnets, “Bars,” Horseshoe—John Faulkner, Manchester ; (3) Electro Magnet, {e Single,” “ Horshoe ”—John Faulkner, Manchester ; (4) Oer- stead’s Experiment (1819) — John Faulkner, Manchester; (5) Altandæ Electro Magnets, “ Faulkner’s Altandi Systemæ”—in this system iron cases are used of such size and thickness as ensures the utilisation, of the maximum foi’ce of magnetism ; the object is to accumulate and utilise all or a portion of the electric power as required, and prevent the loss of force that takes place in apparatus where the ordinary electro magnet is used—Jolin Faulkner, Manchester; (6) Altandas Electro Magnetic Apparatus, for research.—John Faulkner, Manchester; (7) Powerful Altandæ Electro Magnets—John Faulkner, Manchester. Eastern Gallery. 2 82a.—W. Groves, 89, Bolsover Street, London, W. Professor Hughes’ Induction Balance and Apparatus connected therewith. North Nave. 283 .—W. T. Henley (W. T. Henley’s Telegraph. Works Company), 8, Draper’s Gardens, Thi’ogmorton Street. Magnets, &c. &c. Large Permanent Magnet, magnetized in 1847, and still retaining its power; Large Magnet, magnetized in 1860; Various Magnets constructed at early dates, from 1838 to 1856. 283 a.—Jonas & Colver, Sheffield. Steel for the manufacture of Magnets, and Magnets made of such steel. Southern Gallery. ■ North Nave and West Corridor. 284 .—Kelway & Dyer, 29, New Bridge Street, London, E.C. Kelway’s Electric Log (C. E. Kelway, Inventor). Uses: Navigation, nautical surveying, speed trials, naval gunnery, recording rate of currents, testing screw propellers. West Corridor. 285 .—J. Evelyn Liardet, 8, Breakspears Road, Wickham Park, Brockley. A Mariner's Warning Compass, which will ring an electric bell immediately a ship is off her course. West Corridor. 286 .—E. Paterson, 76, Little Britain. Apparatus for Science Teaching’, as recommended by the Science and Art Department, South. Kensington ; Apparatus for Laboratory; Research or Class Demonstration. (See Advt. p. 119.) South Nave and Southern Gallery; 287 .—De. David S. Price, Technological Museum, Crystal Palace. Natural Magnets. Technological Museum. 288 .—F. Treeby Reid, 7, Bartholomew Terrace, Exeter. Self- acting Setting to Time Electric Clock. By this invention any number of clocks at any distance are worked by one regulator, and, by an electric current from the regulator at i’eg’ular periods, are made to set themselves correctly to time, according to the ratage of the regulator. The whole arrangement being entirely electrically self-acting, and neither regulator, nor other clocks ever require winding, setting, or adjusting. Eastern Gallery.