Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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79 289 .—J. Roth, Schlaefll, & Co., 35, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Electrical Clocks. (See Foreign Exhibitors). (See Advt. p. 148.) Southern Gallery. 290 .—Scientific Toy Company, Sun Works, Kirkwood Road,. Peckham. Horse-shoe and bar magnets, electro-magnets, boxes of magnetic experiments with apparatus and book of instruction suitable for children's presents, magnetic pocket time-pieces, &c. (See Advt., p. 139.) Gallery at back of Concert Room. 291 .—A. R. Sennett, Kirby Street Engineering Works, Hatton Garden, London, E.C. Photometer for measuring small or powerful lights (Ayrton and Perry’s dispei’sion). This instrument can be used quite close to the most powerful lights, and with it readings can be taken at any angle with the source of light. North Nave. 292 .—Siemens Brothers & Co., 12 Queen Anneks Gate, West- minster. 1 Micrometer Gauge, graduated inch and millimeter; 1 Micrometer Gauge, graduated inch. South Nave. 293 .—E. A. Sullivan, 20, Mawbey Road, Old Kent Road. Compound Magnetic Needle (new invention). This instrument is for showing the magnetic poles. It formerly required an inclina- tion and a declination needle to accomplish this. This is the nearest approach to universal motion round a fixed point. Eastern Gallery. 294 .—S. Alfred Varley & Co., Hatfield, Herts. Powerful Compound Permanent Magnet, for illustrating magnetic phenomena. Ground Floor. 295 .—Ernest Webster, 45, Loudoun Road, St, Johir’s Wood. N.W. System, for driving all the clocks in a building from one motor clock by electricity, thus dispensing with winding, and ensuring a uniform time being denoted on all the dials. The mechanism can be applied to existing clocks or dials at a trifling outlay; a great desideratum in factories, banks, railways, docks, woi’khouses, mansions, &c. &c. A Handless Clock, a novelty in time indicators. The time is shown by means of figures (which, change every minute) appearing on the dial. This clock lias a dead-beat escapement with second pendulum, and is put in motion by electricity. Eastern Gallery Class XIII.—Miscellaneous. 296 .—Her Majesty’s Government (Postal Telegraph Depart- ment). (See p. 11 et seq.) ■ North Nave. 296a.—Her Majesty’s Government (War Office). (See p. 26 et seal) North Nave. 297 .—A. Apps, 433, Strand. Apps’s Patent Induction Coils: 10-in., 7|-in. spark, and Miniature Coil—insulation perma- nent; and 250 per cent, greater power than in the old system; large Uranium Vacuum Tube, to illustrate aurora borealis; Fluo-v rescent Liquid Experiment in Vacuo, exhibiting’ the effect of iiicluctiori discharge; Gassiott Cascade in Vacuo, with overflowing’