Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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80 discharge illuminating the vase; Spectrum Analysis Stand as used for determining percentage of sulphur, &c., in sample of iron intended for the manufacture of steel. North Nave. 298 .—R. Baker & Co., Mica Brokers, 9, Mincing Lane, E.C. Glass case containing specimens of Cut and Uncut Mica, Powdered Mica, Mica Chips, and Mica Waste. Small case glazed with. Mica, enclosing an ornament carved from New Zealand Kowrie Gum. Western Gallery. 298 a.—T. Barraclough., 8, King Street, Manchester. Machine for making Copper Wire Strand for Telegraph Purposes. Eastern Gallery. 299 .—Binko & Co, 12, Colemam Street, Bunhill Bow, E.C Electric Toys. West Corridor. 299 a.—Blakey, Emmott, & Co., Northern Telegraph Works, Halifax. Kemp’s Speed Indicator; Crossley’s Anemometer; Crossley^s Electric Log; Thermopiles, &c. &c. Western Gallery and North Nave. 300 .—T. R. Brailsford, Thames Conservancy Board, 41, Trinity Square, Tower Hill. Electric Alarm, and Register of the fluc- tuation of Water-level, as adopted by the Honourable the Con- servators of the River Thames at all locks on the river; Electric Indicator of Water-level, to show level of water in tidal ways, reservoirs, steam-boilers, tanks, &c., at any distance therefrom, by means of a single wire. Eastern Gallery. 301 .—Edward B. Bright, C.E., 45, Gerrard Street, London, W. Apparatus for Neutralising Electricity, developed by friction during the spinning of wool, hair, silk, &c., with a diagram in illustration. North Nave. 303 .—Chubb & Son, 128, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. Patent Electric Time Lock, for strong-room door, containing two chronometer movements that can be set to open and close the lock at any desired time, combined with, a duplex electric mechanism for effecting the same objects synchronously, if re- quired. Chubb’s Electric Burglar Alarm, fitted to a pah’ of tlieir Patent Bankers’ Steel-plated Strong Room Dooi’s and Gates; this alarm will ring (1) if doors be opened, (2) if either or both con- necting’ wires be cut, or (3) if the wires be bridged outside the object protected. Chubb's Patent Wrought Iron Fire and Thief- Resisting Safe, with, electric alarm and keyless combination lock. Chubb’s Patent Combination Dooi’ Latch, fitted with electric alarm to ring on opening latch, eithei’ with key from outside or handle from inside, or on an attempt being made to open the door either by a false key or pick. {See Advt. p. 115.) West Corridor. 304 .—L. Clark, Muirhead, & Co., 23, Regency Street, West- minster. Liveing’s Patent Firedamp Indicator and Measurer; Muirhead’s Patent Compound Iron Telegraph Pole; Andrews* Patent Insulators, various. (See Classes IV. and VI.) {See Anvr. p. 131.) Between Chinese and Sheffield Courts. 305 .—W. Willson Cobbett, 60, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Scandinavian patent Cotton Machine Belting. If the machine