Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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87 344.__W. B. Woodbury, Manor House, South. Norwood. Electric Camera, for obtaining, by means of a captive balloon, photographic plans of towns, fortified places, movomsnts of an enemy; also for us© in Arctic or other exploring expeditions^ comprising’: (1) Camora, with, arrangsnioiits for instantaneously exposing and changing the sensitive plates while at an altitude by means of the electric current passing’ tlirougli the cable; (2) Model of Balloon and Camera, showing attachments; (3) Model of Car to carry the necessary apparatus in the field. Concert-Room Gallery. 345—Woodhouse & Rawson, 11, Queen Victoria Street. Ragosine Oil specially prepared for dynamo-electric machines. Eastern Gallery. Class XIV.—Generators, Steam, Gas, and Hydraulic Engines, &c., Applicable to Electric Industries. 340.—Anglo-American Beush Light Corporation, Belvedere Road, Lambeth. The dynamo machines will generally be driven by steam engines supplied by Messrs. Kobey & Co., of ^Lincoln. There will be also a Dynamo Machine driven by a Hodson's Patent Rotary Engine. {See Advt. p. 122.) In Building at Noith End. 348.—Crossley Brothers (Limited), Great Marlborough Street, Gloucester Street, Manchester; London, 24, Poultry, E.C.; 193, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. Sole English makers of the “Otto” silent gas-engine. One 16 horse-power nominal Patent “Otto” Silent Gas Engine, to indicate 40 horse-power, fitted with new patent electric light governor, varying the charges of gas to suit power required; Three 12 horse-power nominal Patent “Otto" Silent Gas Engines, to indicate 23 horse-power each, and fitted with new patent electric light governor, varying the charges of gas to suit power required; One 8 horse-power nominal Patent “Otto” Silent Gas Engine to indicate 147 horse-power, with new electric light governor, varying the charges of gas to suit the power required; One 3| horse-power nominal Patent “Otto” Silent Gas Engine, to indicate 5’9 horse- power, with new electric light governor, varying the . charges of gas to suit power required; One 2 horse-power nominal 1 atent “Otto” Silent Gas Engine, to indicate 3'96 horse-power, with new electric light governor, varying the charges to suit power required ; One 2 horse-power nominal . 1 atent Otto Silent Gas Engine, to indicate 2 horse-power, driving one Dynamo-Electric Machine attached, and incadescent lamps; One 31 Horse-power nominal Patent “ Otto^ Silent Gas imagine, with. Dowson Gas Apparatus, burning 1|- lbs. Anthracite coal per horse-power per hour. {See Advt. p. 134.) 13W Corridor. 348a.—Deakin, Parker, & Co., Salford. One Sandou set of apparatus, consisting of Gas Engine, Generator, and Lamps. rr West Corridor. 349.—Dowson Economic Gas Company, Limited, o, Gieat Queen Street, Westminster. Half full-size model, of apparatus producing 1,000 cubic feet gas per hour. This gas is suitable for -.J.,----