Crystal Palace International Electric Exhibition 1881-82

År: 1882

Sider: 102

UDK: 621.30 : 06 (064)

DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000189

Official Catalogue, Edited by W. Grist with Specially Prepared Plans, showing the position of each exhibitor and indicating the spaces lighted by the various sytems.

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88 driving gas engines, and trials with this gas and some Otto engines have proved that 1 liorse-power (indicated) is obtained with a consumption of gas derived from 1*4 pound of coal only. With, this gas an Otto engine can be worked at a saving of over 50 per cent, compared with coal-gas at 3s. per 1,000 cubic feet, and when so worked a gas engine is cheaper than steam for motive- powei\ Eastern Gallery. 350 .-—Durham & Co., 9, East India Chambers. Patent Duplex Velométer or Speed Governor, for keeping* eaginøs at uniform speed. North Nave. 351 .—Electric Light and Power Generator Company, Limited. Offices : 47, Camion Street, London, E.C. Works: 29, Bank- side, S.E. Weston, Maxim, Rapieff, and Lontin Generators, Exciters, and Regulators ; Ransomes, Head, and Jefferies’ Steam Engine (20 horse-power), semi-portable. Several machines are driven by this one engine. ($ee Advt. p. 4< of Wrapper.) North End of Ground Floor. 352 .-—Electric Light Engineering Company, 35, Queen Vic- toria Street, E.C. Combined Portable Steam-engine, combined "witli dynamo-electric macliin©. Ground Floor. 353 .—The Electric Lighting Supply Company, 25, Queen Anne's Gate, Westminstei’, S.W. Hedges’ Patent Belt-Frictional Driving Gear for dynamo machines. With this the strain on the spindle of the machine is equalised, and the tendency to heat avoided. Model showing action of same, and the belt tightening apparatus. Portable Electro-Lighting Tackle, fitted with. Gramme Machine of 6,000 candle-power. West Gorridor. ood.—Fawcett, Preston, & Co.; Liverpool. The Fawcett Silent Gas Engine. This Engine imparts power at each revolu- tion of the shaft, even under varying loads; a most important advantage when steady turning is required, as in the case of electric lighting, &c. Moreover, the amount of gas consumed at each revolution is regulated so as to vary in proportion to the work to be done, by which means the greatest possible economy of gas consumption is obtained. Railway Gorridor and West Gorridor. 8o4a, R. Hurrell Froude? 8, Courtland Terrace, TC Arising., ton, W. Dynamometer for giving a prolonged trial to the horse- power of steam or other engines. Near High Level Entrance. 355.—Galloway & Sons, W. & J., Knott Mill Iron Works, Manchester. . 180 horse-power engine; also the boiler, shafting* and steam-pipes for working the machinery of the Exhibition. A careful test of one of the “ Galloway;; engines was made by Mi’. R. B. Longridge, the chief engineer of the Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company, Limited, Manchester, at the Mills of Messrs. Henry Bazley & Co., Ancoats, Manchester. This engine had. high-pressure cylinder, 18 in. boi’e, condensing cylinder, 30 in. bore, with a stroke of 3 ft., running at a speed o£ 65 revolutions per minute, and turning an avei’age of 163 indi- cated horse-power; the result of two full days' work being a consumption of coal of 1*97 lb. per indicated horse-power per hour. A “ Galloway } boiler, 24 ft. long’ by 7 ft. diameter, was used in the above test, also a Green’s economiser. The economy would probably have been still greater had the engine